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New Hungary Development Plan logo


The webpages have made by the help of EU. The subsidization of the project  was ensured by the Europian Regional Development Fund and Hungarian Republic's budget  together.

Name of the project:

Creating a webprtal for the Digitáltechnika Ltd. which is easy to maintenance and administratable via web and a webshop fitting to the existing offline system and with several marketing tools helping the B2B and B2C sales. (GOP-2.2.3-2007-0164)

Main parts of the project:

  1. Portal engine development with web based administration (plan design, news module, menusystem, imagehandler module, banner modul, pricelist module)
  2. Development of a webshop integrated to the portal and connected to the current offline system (plan design, product list, product page, product relations, search engine, database upload, prices and customers import, actions, new products, online stock, sorting, register users, shopping cart)
  3. Newsletter module (plan design, sending, newsletter groups, special offer, archives, sign up)
  4. Photo uploader module (paln design, ordering workflow: digital prints, calendars, photo gifts, photo books)
  5. Online marketing (sourcecode optimizing to search engines, link exchange)
  6. Introducing the website (education, advert campaign, incentive scheme to the first buyers)
  7. Additional modules (special look for the blinds and partially sighted, multilanguage version, different currency handling, electronical payment)

Beneficiary's data:

DIGITÁLTECHNIKA Információ Technika Ltd.
+36 96 528 884
[email protected]

Collaborator's data:

MAG - Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ JSC.
+36 40 200 617
[email protected]


National Development Agency

Economic Development Operational Programme Control Authority

Collaborator organization

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